What Industry Does Industrial Cleaning Fall Under?

Cleaning services are businesses which provide a service for cleaning and restoring property and equipment. However, Industrial cleaning is specifically related to providing such services to the commercial market. This segment of the industry may require specialist equipment and the use of strong chemicals in order to meet the level of performance required.What Industry Does Industrial Cleaning Fall Under_

What type of business may require industrial cleaning?

Industrial cleaning is generally performed on a larger scale than domestic cleaning. The type of facility which may be the subject of industrial cleaning can include:

  • Office blocks
  • Warehousing
  • Factories
  • Production facilities

The work of the industrial cleaner may be a ‘one-off’ specialist task to manage a particular problem within an industrial building or it may be undertaken at a regular or contract based level. In both cases, the work will usually require specialist equipment or industrial cleaning machines in order to undertake the project successfully.

What sort of tasks do industrial cleaners undertake?

The role of the industrial cleaner is wide-ranging and may include cleaning floors, toilets, changing rooms, canteens, offices, air filtering systems, mechanical equipment, storage and warehousing, laboratories, etc.

Do industrial cleaners undertake specialist work?

Many industrial cleaning companies are able to provide specialist services which may include:

  • Asbestos removal
  • Industrial vacuum cleaning
  • Decontamination work
  • Pressure washing
  • Noxious substance removal

When faced with problems such as those listed above, it would be wise to contact a specialist contractor to provide a comprehensive and safe floor cleaning machine hire service. Companies such as Cleanhire UK will be able to advise on what action can be taken when a specific problem arises or a regular cleaning program needs to be employed.


An industrial cleaning company can provide regular, janitorial style services to a factory or office while also being able to provide specialist equipment and ‘know how’ when a difficult situation, such as a chemical spill, occurs within a working environment. Consult the experts for the best results.